The Montreal Hub of the Global Shapers Community is hosting a hackathon, Code(Love), an exciting 48-hour challenge where teams of developers, designers and citizens create new technologies that help alleviate real-world problems. The aim of Code(Love) is to raise awareness about the importance of code and educate people on how it can be used to improve the state of our city, and the world.
Welcome to Sparkboard - a tool for organizing interdisciplinary hackathons.
What problem would you like to solve? See what other people are working on, join a project, or create your own.
What problem would you like to solve? See what other people are working on, join a project, or create your own.
Food Waste
Looking For
- Coders
- Designers
- Citizens
- Web Developers
Give $ linked
Enables micro donors to set conditions, make certain spending.
Looking For
- minimal prototype, and front end
la goutte qui déborde!
Sensibiliser les gens au fait qu'ils consomment trop d'eau!
Looking For
- gens intéressés par l'environnement, l'eau, le monde municipal ..
- coders
Guess Qui
Guess Qui is a fun web app that highlights gender bias in everyday life. #bridgethegap. The game lowers the gender gap by gaming. To win, you must lower or remove your bias. Creates awareness, empath...
Pump Up the Drop
Pump-up the Drop is an interactive experience aimed at fostering awareness around water insecurity. Plan your daily activity and realize your impact.
Looking For
- Designer
- Citizen with great ideas
- Sponsor
- Developer
- Mentor
Youth Skills Communities
Et pourquoi pas une communauté virtuelle permettant de connecter les jeunes spécifiquement dans l'objectif qu'ils se partagent et échanges sur des habiletés utiles à leur développement?
Looking For
- coders
- designers
- des gens avec de bonnes idées et intéressés par le développement des jeunes!
Conseil d'administration personnel virtuel pour femme professionnelle
Looking For
- girls with ambition ;)
- coders
- guys with ambition :)
Measure Water Consumption
Create a water meter to measure household water consumption to raise awareness about everyday water usage
Looking For
- Coders
- Hardware/electronics hackers
- Designers